Do you have any amazing photos with the kids you grew up with? Our first annual Bestie Bash with was the brain-child of Olivia and Tarryn (co-owner of boutique on Magazine Street). They wanted to bring fashion and photography together for tweens, and over coffee, they realized that neither of them had any good photos as children with the best friends they grew up with. Tarryn coordinated fun summer outfits for each group of besties and Olivia photographed them hanging out and being silly parents allowed ;)
Make sure to visit for adorable style from baby to tweenage, and while you're there take a look at the gorgeous metal pieces from the Best Bash around the store! We're also loving making a custom album for each girl in the group! And don't worry, if you missed this year's bash, it's a perfect idea for your tween's birthday party or any other event. You can schedule your own anytime throughout the year!